Saturday, February 27, 2016

Aku Hanya Terfikir, Mengapa?

In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.


Aku hanya terfikir
Mengapa mereka boleh menyebarkan mesej tentang satu majlis hiburan dan lagha,
Tetapi kalau mesej tentang kebaikan, keagamaan,
Scroll laju-laju.

Aku hanya terfikir
Mengapa mereka boleh sebarkan mesej seperti itu dengan sangat bersungguh-sungguh
Kalau boleh semua whatsapp group yang mereka ada,
Mereka nak copy paste mesej itu.
Tetapi mesej yang mengajak kepada kebaikan,
Nak pandang pun takmahu.

Aku hanya terfikir
Mengapa mereka sangat bersemangat untuk hadir ke event lagha sebegitu
Tetapi event kebaikan dan keagamaan
Mereka yang hadir itu terhitung dengan jari.

Aku hanya terfikir
Mengapa event hiburan dan lagha sangat mendapat sambutan
Sehingga rumah mereka kosong, gelap, sunyi
Dan mereka hadirkan diri untuk meriahkan majlis itu
Tetapi event kebaikan, keagamaan,
Beri macam-macam alasan untuk mengelak.

Aku hanya terfikir
Mengapa dalam event tersebut, mereka berhias dengan sangat cantik, kemas.
Tetapi jika ke majlis ilmu, 
Selekeh macam nak pergi pasar basah.
Sedangkan nak bertemu Allah itu adalah lebih baik untuk berhias dengan syariat.

Aku hanya terfikir
Mengapa pihak atasan terlalu kerap anjurkan event sebegini
Dan kurang kepada majlis ilmu

Dan aku tidak menafikan
Perkara lagha itu sememangnya seronok
Dan perkara baik itu sememangnya bosan.
Hanya mereka yang tetap hatinya dapat kekalkan dirinya kepada kebaikan.

Sukarnya menjadi orang beragama.

Teguhkanlah hati kami Ya Rabb.
Sejatuh kami pun, teguhkanlah kami Ya Allah...

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Friends In Quantity, or Friends With Quality?

In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

Assalamualaikum everyone! How's life? :) Sorry for not updating myself with you guys so much. Been too busy to cooperate with other commitments lately. And at last Alhamdulillah, after a month, hello blog! :)

So.. About today's topic. Friends In Quantity, or Friends In Quality? I chose to write about this because recently I've been trough quite a few circumstances where I realize about how important it is to have a good quality friend. At least one person.

Okay. It starts since I was in my first semester here. As I mentioned things here are different. I left my supportive friends and family back there in semenanjung. I had to. Jihaad. And start a new life chapter in Bintulu. I couldn't deny that I fell into my own weakness, plus, facing them alone. Rasa macam tak boleh bangun. 

"My weakness? They exist when my family and friends weren't there with me through my rough times. It feels like I've lost my brace."

I was a loner back then for the whole semester. Rarely walking in pairs, nor partners. Senang gerak seorang diri, because you don't have to wait for someone else until we drag our own time. Buang masa sangat. This is my opinion lah don't judge k.

And for this second semester, it is a different thing. Things get better Alhamdulillah, where I found a bunch of good friends, lillahi taala. All praises to Allah.

Here's what happened...



A few weeks ago we had a 2 days camp, Kem Solatku Matiku. Alhamdulillah it went excellently smooth and knowledgeable. And I saw several of my friends started to show their interest in Islam. To get to know more about what Islam actually is. Alhamdulillah, such a heartwarming feeling. Syukur sangat.



I went for a short outing with Iylia. (Planned to keep her name anonymous but it'll be much easier to explain with a fixed name I guess lol).
We were sooo stressed out that week so we just spontaneously planned to have a 'short date' in TS. Jalan punya jalan punya jalan, it's already dzuhur. Cari tempat solat. Tak jumpa.

Then we asked this akak, she's a Muslimah and she sells a few muslimah clothing there. 

"Assalamualaikum kak. Tumpang tanya. Ada tempat solat tak kat sini?"

"Waalaikumussalam. Sini tak ada tempat solat, dik. Tapi kamu boleh cuba tanya kakak yang kat tingkat bawah ni jual tudung, dia ada bilik solat."

Okay. "Tak ada tempat solat" was a very shocking answer is it? So we did as we were told to. Alhamdulillah selesai solat zohor walaupun terpaksa tebalkan muka minta tumpang solat.

Then jalan punya jalan punya jalan. Asar pula. We were like "Takkan lah nak pergi tumpang lagi kat akak tu."

Hmm yeah. So Iylia told me. "Emm it's okay jat. I still have my wudhu though. And my clothes are already menutup aurat. We just need a place to perform solat. Let's go find a place where there's not many passerby.    

And we found this place. 

Kedai yang belum siap, with a dusty wide box. 

Iylia dust them off with her palms wrapped in plastic. 

"Okay. Clean. Boleh solat dah."

I watched her pray from her first takbir to salam. Allah. How big this Jihaad is Ya Rabb. Thank you for granting me a friend that keeps her Solah as her first priority. It really brings me along this journey. In my heart was like, 

"I hope you're not nervous performing your Solah here, Iylia. This is quite an exposed place by the way."

And right after she finished, I gave her that warm hug like we've never met for years. Lama. Dan rapat. 

"Thanks for being here Ejat. It's a big Jihaad."

Allah :')



On 30th January I had a hockey tournament to cope with since I'm the AJK Program. Although I didn't do much but still I'm an AJK though. We need to be there before the tournament starts until everything is settled. 

So unexpectedly, it ends until its almost Isyak about 7:45pm. Lambat gila perghhh.

I don't really mind if I didn't plan for anything that night but malam tu ada program kat Dewan Suarah Bintulu. Ustaz Kazim Elias was there. Sangat rugi kalau tak datang is it? Since we rarely have those kind majlis ilmu here. 

So the whole day my mind was really occupied thinking if I could reach there on time, it starts at 8:00pm. But seeing the tournament dragged about an hour late so I was just expecting to only be present instead of being there on time. 

While the tournament was going on I met Iylia and Sahira walking around our court, so I rushed to them.

"Ejat pergi tak malam ni?"

"I don't knowwww......................."

"Awww please do."

"Yes I am hoping that I could. Nak pergiiiiiiiii. Susah nak dapat ni T_T"

"I know.."

"Or if you guys could help me?"

"Sure In Shaa Allah. What is it?"

"Iron my tudung and niqab in my room, make them ready so I could just change my clothes after this tournament. Tak mandi pun tak apa. As long as I am there later."

"Alright sure."

So I handed them my keys. 

That night. 

I rushed home to get myself ready. Siap siap kat bilik Iylia. And she told me,

"Ejat. Your clothes are in the Padini bag. Tadi your roommate packed your things. Your clothes your pencuci muka your berus gigi. Siap ambil jubah zaty yang tak payah iron punya masuk sekali dalam bag. Mira kata takkanlah zaty tak nak salin baju sekali."

And I was like, Allahu. Seriously? Alhamdulillah! You eased my way Ya Rabb. Thank you :')

And on our way to Dewan Suarah, Iylia gave me her roti sosej. 

"Ejat. Here. Belum makan kan? Eat this. It's your rezeki."

Allahu. Yes I haven't took my dinner yet. Alhamdulillah. rezeki lagi.

Thank you Allah for this whole day of ease. So we reached there like 8:45pm, tak apalah as long as we were there kan? 

"Iylia. I don't have much cash right now."

"It's okay my dear. Iylia bayarkan dulu."

Again. Alhamdulillah.

Happy faces Alhamdulillah hehehehehe :3



So to make this short, it is important to have good friends around you. They'll pass their positive vibes to you. Alhamdulillah for everything Ya Rabb. 

Moga bermanfaat untuk semua :)

Sunday, January 3, 2016

You As The Contrast

In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Most Merciful,

A story about something immensely close to my heart.

So a few weeks ago are unlikely tough for me. Actually wearing the niqab in Bintulu was quite new to ezatsabrin. I wore this like almost 3 years now Alhamdulillah, (please don't expect it's something great because time measures never guarantee you an excellent quality, I am always in progress.). But after I came here in Bintulu I took it off, temporarily, for some reasons. Just to see how should I fit in the society. It's not a sin though because I am with the Syafi'ee scholars that has 2 opinions about the face whether it should be covered or not. 

So for the first semester I was completely bare-faced! And it feels weiiiiirrrddd Ya Allah T_T and insecure too, because you've been covering it for a very long time and suddenly you have to take it off? Honestly guys. I feel naked. 

Throughout the whole semester I tried to figure out about how the management party fixed the rules here. I asked my niqabi seniors about it. Until that one fine day I really saw them in front of my eyes in niqab, but they took them off right after they crossed the guards at the main entrance. And I was like, "Ohhh so that's how they do it. Dah nampak dah strategi tu, Boleh try lepasni In Shaa Allah." LOL. 

Seeing them being really persistent made me intended to wear it here, fully committed. So for the second semester I brought my niqabs, (I wore it from home too.). The first day I reached here from Semenanjung until I safely arrived in UPMKB, well it was not so bad LOL Alhamdulillah. Passed through the guards, registered at KSR. It wasn't so bad and strict as I expected :)


The past few weeks my friends and I went out for a lil outing. Herh beli barang kat Farley je pun. **lentik tangan. Wore the niqab from UPMKB until we reached Farley. And lately I went to PCM and TS. (Eh tersebut semua tempat hot kat Bintulu maap maap). Allahu. For each step I walk,  EACH STEP, people around me gave me that look. You know, THAT look. And start whispering among themselves. The awkward part was they won't take their eyes off me as long as I am still near them. Seriously. Can you imagine that? Being in my shoe. In that situation. Hm. I don't really mind if kids really freaked out when they saw me because its normal though. But the adults.. Hm. Apa lah depa fikir tu.

"Maybe my clothes looks too hot for this weather?"

"Too weird?"

"You've never seen people like me? Too rare?"

"Or deep inside you're actually have that respect towards me?" (Level Husnudzon)

Seriously guys. I felt really alien to them. And sad. It was like, "Ya Allah, ujian sangat ni. Sabar. Sabar. Sabar. Ujian Rasulullah dulu lagi dahsyat. Ni baru sikit. Sikit sangat. Sabar." **heart pumping.

I wish my mom was there. I wish my friends were there. Allah. I only have You right now. Help me Ya Rabb. Give me strength.

"Kalian! Doakan akuuuu!" 

So it is true about what Rasulullah SAW said in his hadith. Islam came in such a rare condition. And at the end it will be rare too. Akhir zaman. 

I've been keeping this in mind. It helped me a lot :') Alhamdulillah.


So to make this short.
I've never never felt that feeling for a long time, since the first time I wore the niqab.
It's just not as frightening as wearing it here..
But I try to comfort myself, always.

My friend gave me this. Thanks for reminding :') 


So there's been a lot of monolog dalaman lately LOL. #Self Comfort

"Come on ezat. You've been through this. You know what Allah promised. (2: 155), remember? You can do this ezat. Jannah is His. Not them. And fear only for Him. Not them. Rasulullah got those reactions much worst. Stay strong, Lillahita'ala."


Pray for us, kalian. For Islam. May Allah bless each second of our Jihaad. Ameen.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Vertebral Column

In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.


Assalamualaikum everyone. It's been a while since I updated my last post here. Like 2 weeks ago? Oh My Allah. Lamanya. Berhabuk!

In this post I just wanna share with you guys about my mother, Ibu. I like how soothing and calm it sounds, "Ibu.". And about the vertebral column? Tulang belakang? Well yes! She is my tulang belakang. 

Why vertebral column? 
Because it supports my entire body. Mentally. Physically. Posture and nerves. Without her we'll lost our main support system. Hah dah masuk bio SPM.

I just realized how supportive she was when I was gonna graduate my high school. Wallahi. Although she suggested something based on my track results during my school years but she gave me this chance to reach my own life goal to be a Vet. Allah. Syukran ya ibu.

She saw how madly in love I am in this type of knowledge, and it was a lil tough for her to lemme go this far, overseas lol we are still crossing the sea is it? :P Alhamdulillah. Before applying this course I sought her blessings, firstly. Because it is important to have your parents blessings before proceeding our own decisions. It is about the barakah we'll get later in our entire life. 

And Ibu, we've been really close after Ayah passed away 4 years ago. I respect her for how she tried her very best to stand on her own feet after Ayah's death. Allah. It was hard. Really hard. She took a while to make things fit back in puzzle. And she became a strong woman inside out since then. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for this great mother. 

And now, she's still working hard every day. Driving to work every early morning. It took an hour to reach her office, and an hour more back to home. Allah. I hope I could always be there close to you Ibu. But here I am struggling too. I am trying my very best to make you feel bright with my excellence fid dunya wal akhirah. I am trying, Ibu.. 

27 days more to your birthday is it, Ibu? I'm sorry for my absence from being around you. But do believe, Ibu, that we are always connected in our du'as. He hears us every second :') and thank you for all your patience throughout these years of raising me up. Thank you for your forgiving heart. And thank you for always praying for my best until today. 

I promise you with Allah's will, that I will try my very best to make our lives worth fid dunya wal akhirah. I wanna see you in Jannah, living there as happy as He promised. In Shaa Allah.

May Allah bless you always, Ibu. Ameen.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Meaning Of Life #TalkIslam

In The Name of Allah,
The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

What are we doing here
And where are we going to go
Its like we just woke up one morning and then it's welcome to the show
Don't ask any questions just go with the flow
Make as much money as you can and try our best not to get broke
Copy everything you see on the TV
From the hairstyles to the clothes
And don't think too often just do exactly as you told
If you ever get confused then turn towards the alcohol
You still hear your thoughts?
Then just turn up the radio
As you learn to live a lifestyle of drugs, sex and rock 'n roll
But in all honesty I just need to know
Is there more to the cycle then growing and getting old?

Living and dying just to leave behind a happy home
And a whole lot of property that somebody else is going to own
I just really need to know before the caskets closed
Cause I'm not willing to gamble with my own soul
Nor am I ready to take any chances

These are just simple life questions
And I'm just searching for some answers
Like what are we doing here and what is our purpose
How did we get here and who made us so perfect
And what happens once we all go or is this world all really worth it

Questions we don't answer because apparently we don't really have to
There's no purpose of this life and our existence merely natural?

Then in that case please let me ask you
Did you created yourself or was somebody else who had fashioned you?
Because you're a being that is impeccable, faultless and unparalleled 
You are a product of supreme intelligence and I'm merely rational
For there isn't a camera that can come close to the human eye
Nor a computer that can compete alongside the human mind
And if the whole world was to come together
We wouldn't be able to create a single fly

So many signs yet we still deny
As science tries to justify that all this could come from none
When it's a simple sum 
Zero plus zero plus zero cannot possible ever give you one

So from where did all this come?
For everything has its origins, a maker, a creator of its own
I mean the only reason you are watching this video is because somebody had to press upload
So you can believe in the Big Bang but I'd rather believe in He who caused it to explode

The Creator of the universe along with every single soul
The Ever-living, The Master, The Only One who is in control
Unlike His creations, beyond our imagination
And NO-
He's not a man nor he has any partners in association
He's on His own
And He did not ever leave us alone

Just like every manufacturer
He left us with an instruction manual
The Quran and Islam and I'm sorry to jump to conclusions but it's the only one possible

The only definition of God as the One and Only
Supreme Being its logical
A book with zero contradictions and miracles that are both scientific and historical
All revealed over 1400 years ago

Like the detailed description of the human embryo
To the mountains as pegs holding firm the earth below
And the two seas that don't mix in a complete separate flow
To the planets in orbit alternating night and day as they stay in float
The expansion of the universe and the creation of everything from H2O
To the stories of the past and the preservation of the Pharaoh
To identifying the lowest point in the land where Persia defeated Rome
The gushing fluid that created man in the glands between ribs and the backbone

And not a word has changed 
It's still the same
So please explain how all this was known over 1400 years ago?

To a man who couldn't read or write
As he would recite whatever the angel spoke
And if you still don't believe
please try to come up with something that's even close
But you can't
So we took God as a mockery and His Messenger as a joke 
Dismissed His scriptures as legends and tales of the ancient folk

As we live according to our own whims,desires and hopes
Saying this life is the only home we ever know
We will live then die and simply turn to bones
You Only Live Once
After the grass dies then the rain arrives it re-grows
And Allah promises to do the same thing to your very soul
And bring back from your very fingertips to your toes

As The All Seeing Supreme Being watches us so close as we are surely being tested
In our wealth, health our self and everything that we've been blessed with
So believe for we surely be resurrected
And be brought back to our Lord and account for every single deed
As He hands us our books and orders us to "READ!"
From the bad to the good and everything in between
You yourself are sufficient for your own accountability

So don't be mad at me
Your Lord says you were the one who thought He wouldn't come back to me
I gave you a whole life long to search after me
But you were busy chasing all that which was temporary

So read
And glad tidings to all those who believed
And if you disbelief
And don't let that day be the first day you find out what your life really means

Saturday, December 12, 2015

A Few Tips For Your Hijrah, Lillahitaala.

In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

As you all know, my dear sahabat. I am not born this way. I was not born in a pious or religious family. My life back then was.. 'dark' enough, if you know what I mean.

My heart was dark from the light. I know there was a little light shining inside me, screaming and calling for help to make it grow. 
But I ignored it. I love this Dunya much more.

Wallahi. Syaitaan did beautify things around me. All I can see was everything I thought I needed them to fulfill the emptiness in my heart. But I didn't realize, about how bad it could be later. I enjoyed them so much, until I forgot about my true status of being a Muslim. 

Alhamdulillah. On that one fine day, He gave me Hidaya wa Taufeeq, in a such unexpected way. 

I know how empty my heart was but I didn't think about getting myself closer towards Him. Although the fact is we ARE getting closer to death, each day. (That is why I am afraid of birthdays and I don't really celebrate them).

My life changed since then, my dear sahabat. Alhamdulillah. He gave me the chance to improve myself in a quite young age. Rasulullah SAW loves a young man or lady who keep their lives in the way of Islam in such age, and stayed istiqamah. In Shaa Allah. 

"Oh Rasulullah. I am hoping that you would be happy to see me in akhirah, in a way that you are pleased with the deeds and Sunnah that I have been struggling to practice now in the age where they look Islam as a weird thing. You know the struggle, Ya Rasulullah. Ya Rasulullah. I don't wanna waste my temporary life here anymore. Thank you for your patience and dedication on spreading the Syahada for us, Ya Rasulullah. We promise you, Ya Rasulullah, to always be in this jihaad to spread His words and won't give up. We believe your prayers are always with us. May Allah bless. Ameen."


My dear sahabat. Here I have a few tips for you guys and girls for your Hijrah.

1) Always, always always intent it only for Allah S.W.T..

- Always have THAT mindset before doing things in your daily life. From covering your aurah, Solah, fasting etc only for Him. Not to please man. Actually the quality of our work also depends on how we intended to do it at the first place. So you got it bros and sis, once we have intended to do it for Allah S.W.T., the blessings we'll get during the journey are humongous! Subhanallah! It is also considered as a jihaad :) see? You don't even have to wave a sword!

2) Ignore how people act towards you.

- Wallahi, I've been keeping this tip in mind since the first time I started to change my whole wardrobe. You guys know the fact that when a Muslima is on her Hijrah, it is so obvious to notice her changes is it? From the way she dress, obviously. I had it and it feels a lil creepy though to have those eyes towards me. From that onwards, this is what I believe. Don't be afraid of their mocks and curses. Let them be. Because the Heaven and Hell isn't theirs. It is Allah's :) Let Allah be the only judge. He created you, not man.

3) Let go of things that'll distract your journey.

- Let go of them, slowly if you feel that it would be too harsh for you to let them go completely. Let the past be a history, that'll only give you values. You can have that in mind as something to learn with, but don't make it stop yourself in the middle of the journey. Don't worry, Allah doesn't only look at our achievement, but He looks more on our progress :)

4) Surround yourselves with things that'll help you to stay istiqamah.

- From friends, entertainment, family practice etc, surround yourselves with positive things. That'll make your spirit grow. It takes time though to change things around you. But every complete change starts from a brave first step forward. 


Alhamdulillah, may it  benefit you guys out there. Make it useful. Allah sees your progress. Remember that.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

A Confession

In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

Ya Rabb.
I am sorry for not being the best of myself
But I am trying and struggling everyday Ya Rabb
From prostrating You with this amazingly made limbs, day and night
To believing how great You are in the deepest part of my heart
I am struggling, Ya Rabb
And You know the tough progress.

Ya Rabb
I do not blame Shaytaan Laknatullah for inviting me
Because they only invited
Whilst it is myself to blame for responding
I seek forgiveness from You, Ya Rabb

Ya Rabb
I do whimper at certain levels
Because this journey is so long
Too long
They said that patience have limits
But I believe what I couldn't see 
The glad tidings You promised will the patients get 

Ya Rabb
You hold our hearts
I pray to You for a constant heart towards Your Way
Though we sin everday
From the most apparent deed
Till the finest
Deep inside our hearts
There is a place where it shines 
And calling in silence
To improve ourselves towards The Right Way

Ya Rabb
Don't let us go astray

Ameen Ya Rabbal'alamin.