Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Vertebral Column

In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.


Assalamualaikum everyone. It's been a while since I updated my last post here. Like 2 weeks ago? Oh My Allah. Lamanya. Berhabuk!

In this post I just wanna share with you guys about my mother, Ibu. I like how soothing and calm it sounds, "Ibu.". And about the vertebral column? Tulang belakang? Well yes! She is my tulang belakang. 

Why vertebral column? 
Because it supports my entire body. Mentally. Physically. Posture and nerves. Without her we'll lost our main support system. Hah dah masuk bio SPM.

I just realized how supportive she was when I was gonna graduate my high school. Wallahi. Although she suggested something based on my track results during my school years but she gave me this chance to reach my own life goal to be a Vet. Allah. Syukran ya ibu.

She saw how madly in love I am in this type of knowledge, and it was a lil tough for her to lemme go this far, overseas lol we are still crossing the sea is it? :P Alhamdulillah. Before applying this course I sought her blessings, firstly. Because it is important to have your parents blessings before proceeding our own decisions. It is about the barakah we'll get later in our entire life. 

And Ibu, we've been really close after Ayah passed away 4 years ago. I respect her for how she tried her very best to stand on her own feet after Ayah's death. Allah. It was hard. Really hard. She took a while to make things fit back in puzzle. And she became a strong woman inside out since then. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for this great mother. 

And now, she's still working hard every day. Driving to work every early morning. It took an hour to reach her office, and an hour more back to home. Allah. I hope I could always be there close to you Ibu. But here I am struggling too. I am trying my very best to make you feel bright with my excellence fid dunya wal akhirah. I am trying, Ibu.. 

27 days more to your birthday is it, Ibu? I'm sorry for my absence from being around you. But do believe, Ibu, that we are always connected in our du'as. He hears us every second :') and thank you for all your patience throughout these years of raising me up. Thank you for your forgiving heart. And thank you for always praying for my best until today. 

I promise you with Allah's will, that I will try my very best to make our lives worth fid dunya wal akhirah. I wanna see you in Jannah, living there as happy as He promised. In Shaa Allah.

May Allah bless you always, Ibu. Ameen.

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