Thursday, December 3, 2015

A Confession

In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

Ya Rabb.
I am sorry for not being the best of myself
But I am trying and struggling everyday Ya Rabb
From prostrating You with this amazingly made limbs, day and night
To believing how great You are in the deepest part of my heart
I am struggling, Ya Rabb
And You know the tough progress.

Ya Rabb
I do not blame Shaytaan Laknatullah for inviting me
Because they only invited
Whilst it is myself to blame for responding
I seek forgiveness from You, Ya Rabb

Ya Rabb
I do whimper at certain levels
Because this journey is so long
Too long
They said that patience have limits
But I believe what I couldn't see 
The glad tidings You promised will the patients get 

Ya Rabb
You hold our hearts
I pray to You for a constant heart towards Your Way
Though we sin everday
From the most apparent deed
Till the finest
Deep inside our hearts
There is a place where it shines 
And calling in silence
To improve ourselves towards The Right Way

Ya Rabb
Don't let us go astray

Ameen Ya Rabbal'alamin.

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