Saturday, December 12, 2015

A Few Tips For Your Hijrah, Lillahitaala.

In The Name of Allah, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.

As you all know, my dear sahabat. I am not born this way. I was not born in a pious or religious family. My life back then was.. 'dark' enough, if you know what I mean.

My heart was dark from the light. I know there was a little light shining inside me, screaming and calling for help to make it grow. 
But I ignored it. I love this Dunya much more.

Wallahi. Syaitaan did beautify things around me. All I can see was everything I thought I needed them to fulfill the emptiness in my heart. But I didn't realize, about how bad it could be later. I enjoyed them so much, until I forgot about my true status of being a Muslim. 

Alhamdulillah. On that one fine day, He gave me Hidaya wa Taufeeq, in a such unexpected way. 

I know how empty my heart was but I didn't think about getting myself closer towards Him. Although the fact is we ARE getting closer to death, each day. (That is why I am afraid of birthdays and I don't really celebrate them).

My life changed since then, my dear sahabat. Alhamdulillah. He gave me the chance to improve myself in a quite young age. Rasulullah SAW loves a young man or lady who keep their lives in the way of Islam in such age, and stayed istiqamah. In Shaa Allah. 

"Oh Rasulullah. I am hoping that you would be happy to see me in akhirah, in a way that you are pleased with the deeds and Sunnah that I have been struggling to practice now in the age where they look Islam as a weird thing. You know the struggle, Ya Rasulullah. Ya Rasulullah. I don't wanna waste my temporary life here anymore. Thank you for your patience and dedication on spreading the Syahada for us, Ya Rasulullah. We promise you, Ya Rasulullah, to always be in this jihaad to spread His words and won't give up. We believe your prayers are always with us. May Allah bless. Ameen."


My dear sahabat. Here I have a few tips for you guys and girls for your Hijrah.

1) Always, always always intent it only for Allah S.W.T..

- Always have THAT mindset before doing things in your daily life. From covering your aurah, Solah, fasting etc only for Him. Not to please man. Actually the quality of our work also depends on how we intended to do it at the first place. So you got it bros and sis, once we have intended to do it for Allah S.W.T., the blessings we'll get during the journey are humongous! Subhanallah! It is also considered as a jihaad :) see? You don't even have to wave a sword!

2) Ignore how people act towards you.

- Wallahi, I've been keeping this tip in mind since the first time I started to change my whole wardrobe. You guys know the fact that when a Muslima is on her Hijrah, it is so obvious to notice her changes is it? From the way she dress, obviously. I had it and it feels a lil creepy though to have those eyes towards me. From that onwards, this is what I believe. Don't be afraid of their mocks and curses. Let them be. Because the Heaven and Hell isn't theirs. It is Allah's :) Let Allah be the only judge. He created you, not man.

3) Let go of things that'll distract your journey.

- Let go of them, slowly if you feel that it would be too harsh for you to let them go completely. Let the past be a history, that'll only give you values. You can have that in mind as something to learn with, but don't make it stop yourself in the middle of the journey. Don't worry, Allah doesn't only look at our achievement, but He looks more on our progress :)

4) Surround yourselves with things that'll help you to stay istiqamah.

- From friends, entertainment, family practice etc, surround yourselves with positive things. That'll make your spirit grow. It takes time though to change things around you. But every complete change starts from a brave first step forward. 


Alhamdulillah, may it  benefit you guys out there. Make it useful. Allah sees your progress. Remember that.

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